Should I Buy Organic CBD Oil for My Dog?

When you purchase supplements for yourself, chances are good that you look for organic products. Likewise, you might shop for organic food both for yourself and for your pet. Is it worth it if you are shopping for CBD to look for organic CBD oil for your dog? This question actually does not have a …

Is It Better to Buy CBD Oil Online or In Person?

If you head to your local vape shop, you may very well find CBD products for dogs in stock. In fact, depending on the state where you live, you might even be able to find CBD treats at your local pet store. Of course, in other states, CBD products may be hard or impossible to …

Hemp CBD Oil vs Marijuana

When you are shopping for CBD supplements for your dog, you are quickly going to find out that the terminology used to market different products can be confusing. This is the result not only of people casually using different terms interchangeably, but also because companies manufacturing CBD products may phrase product names in an unclear …

Common Ailments And Health Conditions CBD Can Be Used For – Dog Edition

There are a wide variety of health conditions which CBD oil can be used to treat in your dog. It may not surprise you to learn that many of these are the same health conditions which humans take CBD oil to treat in themselves Here is a quick list for your reference: Inflammation Seizures / …