Thinking about giving your dog CBD oil? CBD is a natural supplement which can have numerous potential benefits for your pet, both physical and psychological. But does CBD have side effects? Are there any dangers to your pet that you should be aware of?
In general, most dogs probably will not have any adverse reactions to CBD oil. But there may be some exceptions.
Research is Still Lacking In This Area
Normally, I would turn to scientific studies to provide you with information regarding how CBD could effect your pet.
Unfortunately, I cannot do that in this case because there is not much to reference.

The American Kennel Club says, “The safety and risks of using CBD for dogs have not yet been researched. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not approved CBD and has not issued a dosing chart … While there’s no scientific data on the side effects of CBD usage for dogs, there are potential side effects based on how CDB effects humans.”
Possible Side Effects of CBD on Dogs Based on Human Data
Still referencing the American Kennel Club, here are some of the possible ways that CBD could adversely effect a dog based on human side effect data.
1. Dry Mouth
In human beings, salivation may decrease when using CBD. That means that this could feasibly happen with your dog as well.
If your dog does begin to produce less saliva, the result may be an increase in thirst.
2. Reduced Blood Pressure
Blood pressure can decrease when using CBD. This effect is temporary, and it’s usually marginal.
If your dog suffers from high blood pressure, this might actually be a positive. If, however, your dog has lower blood pressure, this effect could be undesirable, and may cause your pet to feel faint and dizzy.
3. Drowsiness
CBD has a sedative quality to it. For some humans or animals, this may be subtle. For others, it may be pronounced. So you might notice that your dog becomes sleepy when using CBD.
This is another “side effect” which could be a positive or a negative depending on your pet and the effects you are looking for.
4. Liver Function Issues
In another resource, the American Kennel Club mentions that using CBD could result in, “decreased liver enzyme activities used to metabolize prescription drugs.”
That means that potentially, using CBD oil could make some pet medications less effective.
To determine whether this or any of the other side effects just discussed could be problematic for your dog, it is best to ask your veterinarian what you can expect.
5. Allergies
As with any other herbal supplement or medication, it is possible for a dog to be allergic to CBD.
This is just something to be aware of when you are administering CBD to your pet for the first time.
Be alert for signs or symptoms of an allergic reaction. While such a reaction if not likely, if you believe that your pet is experiencing one, stop using the product immediately and take your pet to the vet.

What Should You Know About Safe CBD Dosages?
As mentioned before, the FDA has yet to release an official dosing chart for CBD oil for dogs.
The American Kennel Club writes regarding this, “Therefore, we do not know what size dosage would be toxic. Any medication or supplement carries the risk of a reaction. It is always advisable, when giving your dog something new, to start out with small amounts and then closely monitor the effects. And always check with your veterinarian first.”
This is good advice in general. You definitely should start small and work your way up if your pet is tolerating the CBD well and it appears to be helping. This will prevent you from overdosing your pet.
How do you know what comprises an appropriate small dose?
Companies which manufacture CBD oil for dogs provide dosage charts for each of their products.
You need to consult each of these charts individually. You cannot simply carry over assumptions from product to product based on previous dosages you have used.
Why not? The reason is the same as it is when you are dosing supplements for humans. Concentrations can vary from one product to another.
So one drop of a tincture from one brand may not be equivalent to one drop of a tincture from another brand in terms of CBD content.
Indeed, one drop of a tincture from one brand may not even be equivalent to one drop of another tincture by the same brand.
The same is true for capsules and other forms of CBD.
Take note that this is also one reason why you cannot give a dog CBD for humans. Such products are way too highly concentrated for canines.
For detailed information on safe and effective dosage sizes, please see my article, “CBD Oil for Dogs: Dosage Chart and Newbie Guide.”
Conclusion: CBD for Dogs Is Usually Safe and Healthy, But Side Effects Are Possible
For most dogs, the effects of CBD oil should be largely or entirely positive.
There are some dogs that probably should not be taking CBD oil, however, like those with low blood pressure or liver problems.
In order to make sure that your dog will be safe and healthy while using CBD oil, consider consulting with your vet to make sure that there will be no likely interactions, and make sure that you are administering an appropriate dose.
It is also vital to shop for high-quality CBD oil for dogs from reputable and trusted manufacturers. Not sure where to begin? Take a look at our canine CBD oil reviews and recommendations.
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